Fascia Treatment for your Fur Baby

Yes, Your FURBABY has Fascia. Animals can get injured by a hard swing by a child, squeezing them, jumping from too high, or running for too long.  They can twist a hip, a knee, or an ankle and pull ligament tendons and fascia. They could also be an athlete and used in...

Wavy Brain – Cerbral Spinal Fluid

What is the Wave and the Cranial Sacral System?   The Cranial Sacral system comprises membranes and fluid surrounding, protecting, and nourishing the brain and spinal cord. By explicitly addressing this system, the body experiences a deep sense of relaxation,...
Lower Body Fascia Theory and Self Care Protocol Course

Lower Body Fascia Theory and Self Care Protocol Course

Sign Me Up! Join us! April 29th, 2021 Who this is for? 1. Coaches 2. Health Care Practitioners 3. A passion for learning about the body and Fascia     In this Lower body Fascia Theory and Self Care webinar you will learn:   How lower body fascia imbalances can affect...

Live Online Webinar: The Secret to a Healthy Brain at Any Age

Has your quality of sleep changed? Do you suffer from anxiety? Brain fog? Do you feel older than you look? Learn how to get your brain back. About this Event The answers are hidden deep with the brain. Learn how you can transform your brain to improve memory, reduce...

3 Things You Need to Know About Brain Health

Did you know that your brain is 90 percent fully developed by the age of 5 years old? The 3 things that continually affect brain development: Connection – Feeling safe, loved, and communication Nutrition – What we eat affects brain development, real food reduces...

Women and Concussion

What Women Should Know About Concussion Living with concussion can have long term negative consequences on your mental and physical health, changing both your personality and your body. While many head injury sufferers may look normal, there are noticeable emotional...

Random Acts of Kindness Challenge

This week more than ever could be challenging due to the US election. This election affects individuals from all countries, not just Americans. First let’s look at what Jesus would do. Show gratitude and kindness. Kindness Challenge: Things To Do Be kind to your...

The Role & Importance of Inositol

Do you have trouble sleeping or staying asleep? Is the quality of your sleep not optimal? Or do you simply feel overwhelmed constantly? You might be lacking an essential brain supplement called Inositol, a simple carbohydrate that is essential to balancing brain...

Science is Always Evolving

As our ability to test and measure becomes more refined and precise, experts can measure what was before the unmeasurable, but known or experienced by an experienced practitioner and always felt by the patient. To work with the fascia directly, the treatment is an...