Health and Fascia Products from Simone Fortier

Simone Fortier is a results-driven coach and miracle worker.

Creating Change in the Brain.

Are you a business leader, entrepreneur, or health care professional?   

Simone will push you past your comfort zone, elevate your business and overdeliver on results.

What you will get!

Strategy for success

Reduced overwhelm and overschedule for maximum results

Innovative Brain Behavioral Change

Simone has supported thousands of individuals to remove the blocks preventing optimal health, wellness, and wealth.

If you are ready for instant change and create space for success working with Simone is a must.

Fascia Training and Health Resources

Seize Your Potential with Simone Fortier

Download Simone’s 11 Transformative Beliefs ebook today and seize your potential.

Brain Assessment

Brain Health Assessment

Has your quality of sleep changed?

Suffer from anxiety?

Brain fog?

Do you feel older than you look?

Learn how to get your brain back. The answers are hidden deep with the brain. Learn how to transform your brain to improve memory, reduce anxiety, look and feel younger by switching on your brain.

Brain and Body Wellness Store

Fascia Principles for Practitioners

Prerequisite for Dynamic Brain Healing and those that want to learn more about the brain.

Supplements (USA)

Simone’s recommended medical grade supplements.

Supplements (Canada)

Simone’s recommended medical grade supplements.