90 Percent of Supplements are Garbage.

It sounds strange coming from someone who sells supplements. But it is true. 90 percent of supplements are garbage If you are buying from big box stores – The supplements have a long shelf life They have fillers Preservatives Which creates inflammation in the body and...

Is Your Brain Aging Faster Thank You Think?

Is your Brain Aging Faster than you Think? The change happens gradually over time; you keep thinking it will change or get better, or you might even have resigned because that is the way it is. The fact is you are not getting any younger. What if you could reverse all...

How Your Brain Affects Weight Loss

Why You Can’t Lose Weight is 3 Layers Deep If you have tried every diet, every gimmick that is out there, and even invested in the fascia blaster to get rid of the appearance of cellulite, and still nothing will budge, especially the scale. This could be the...

Fascia Treatment for your Fur Baby

Yes, Your FURBABY has Fascia. Animals can get injured by a hard swing by a child, squeezing them, jumping from too high, or running for too long.  They can twist a hip, a knee, or an ankle and pull ligament tendons and fascia. They could also be an athlete and used in...

3 Things You Need to Know About Brain Health

Did you know that your brain is 90 percent fully developed by the age of 5 years old? The 3 things that continually affect brain development: Connection – Feeling safe, loved, and communication Nutrition – What we eat affects brain development, real food reduces...

The Role & Importance of Inositol

Do you have trouble sleeping or staying asleep? Is the quality of your sleep not optimal? Or do you simply feel overwhelmed constantly? You might be lacking an essential brain supplement called Inositol, a simple carbohydrate that is essential to balancing brain...