It Just Appeared

I woke up one day and had my grandmother’s hands. Where did that bump come from on the knuckle?

Was it from the time I had that finger slammed in a door when I was 10? Or the time when I dropped a pot lid on my toe that left a black bruised for months?

Or from the time I went hiking and my toenail fell off?

What I know is that after flying. I was wearing comfortable boots, walked around the airport, sat on the plane and when I got home my toe was swollen and numb. Every time I bent the toe it hurt and I felt a crackling sensation inside. This began my journey to seek resolution.


When does arthritis begin? And can it be prevented or even reversed?

First, you see the bumps then you feel the pain, then hear funny sounds and crackly feeling when you move a joint? But before the bump and pain, I do recall stiffness in the joint, altered function.

Joint Pain can be healed


Stop Arthritis Pain

There are several approaches to taking the pain out of arthritis. My goal is to eliminate it.


What to do!

I went to the PRP, Prolotherapy doctor and said I need you to inject my finger and toe with PRP. I did get imaging and he did a thorough exam with ultrasound to support my need and hypothesis.

I will not lie, I have had several injections in the past, the hands and feet are the most sensitive. But well worth it.

Two days after the PRP injections the knuckle decreased in size, the swelling in my toe was greatly reduced. I no longer feel the crackling sensation and the weakness and pain have diminished. I understand I will need at least 3 to 4 injections for lasting results, up to 5 to 10 years. This length of time depends on use, self-care, and nutrition.


The Science and Goal of PRP

Inhibit the inflammation and slow down the progression of Osteoarthritis

Stimulate the formation of new cartilage

Increase the production of natural lubricating fluid in the joint

Alter the pain receptors and reduces pain sensation


Nutrition does play a major role. It is recommended to eat an anti-inflammatory diet, but for each person, this is different so it’s best to get testing done to see what you are sensitive or allergic to.

The effects of the PRP injection was profound.


Next, I will explore how PRP reduces the effects of aging and reduces wrinkles.


If you missed my latest blog on Concussion or Fascia please click on the link to read more.


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