Have you ever questioned if you are on the right path? Have you ever felt that every obstacle that could be thrown in front of you has? You might say to yourself, “can I withstand one more thing?”
Feel a thick wall of resistance around every corner on the verge of giving up?
That pretty much sums up 2020 for many.
What Defines Us?
I have been described as a pioneer, a radical, the most popular, a healer, and an enigma (something hard to understand or mysterious). What these titles or assessments allow me is space to be me. I have always had faith. Faith that I can hear the voice of the universal energy leading me in the direction I needed to go. What I did not understand at an early age is that I can also direct this energy towards my goals, both personal and financial. I always used this universal energy to help support other people. The universal energy, which I call God, does not know the difference between 1 cent and 100 million dollars. This energy truly wants us to be happy.
So Why Do We Play Small?
One reason perhaps is that we don’t know what we don’t know. Or we might not feel like we deserve to be happy or successful. This year for many has been a transitional year, a year that challenges what you know or what you thought you knew. The experts have failed you, the information released has been misinformation at best, an example of intellect vs knowing. Intellect is finite and knowledge is infinite. Let me share what I do know, that remains to be true no matter what is happening around us. It takes massive amounts of mental and spiritual strength to stay on course. No action is possible without great thought. You have to be great internally, every thought you have matters. It changes your health, your goals, and your relationships. What people are doing now is reading without thinking and learning without knowing. Did you know that thinking is the hardest thing to do? We often escape thinking by engaging in activities that are a distraction such as novels and social media. “Escape from thinking” is the motto for the 21 st century, but in particular, 2020. Run away from the truth. Run away from success. Read less, think more. Read about great things which lead to great questions and great thought. I have found the second most difficult thing to do is to have faith. Faith in yourself, faith in what you know to be true, faith in facts that you have to do your own research to find. Let’s look at faith in knowledge versus intellect. A sense of knowing comes from the universal connections with the unlimited energy of the universe, for me I call him God. Connecting to the source to know the truth means not just when it is popular or convenient to do so. Just because people shout in your face or call you names does not make it true.
Staying on Course
I was scheduled to teach during COVID-19 across the border. There were so many conflicting stories about what you can and can’t do. I always go to the source, the person or business who makes decisions. I could have talked myself out of going, I had many times questioned if the course was going to happen when I bought into the fear of others and the dogma of “for your safety”. What I heard from those around me was, “you can’t get over the border”, shouting at the top of their lungs. I even went to a seer who said it would be a disaster and dangerous to go. I sat in silence to quiet my mind from all the anxiety, which was not my anxiety, but the energy of the world was so big it was affecting everyone – including animals. What I heard when I stepped in the calm inside my mind was, “get on the plane and go as far as you can, despite fear imposed by others”. I had no fear. I knew deep down I would be in Chicago teaching. I saw myself there and the course being a success. When I went inside, I had a sense of peace and power that going to Chicago was the right thing to do. This sense solidified the decision for me. Months before I could not see it in my mind, the universe was changing outcomes until the moment I decided I was going, only then did the picture in my mind became clear. The goal was set no matter what. I was going to make it happen, despite the world saying it was impossible. I had a knowing I would teach my class despite all the obstacles that were in front of me. The source of knowledge comes from the universal source that sees all. I have overcome odds before, but the fear frenzy was not against me before. It doesn’t matter how big or small, God handles them equally. Stop playing small and step into your power. Don’t use your own intelligence, it can breed fear. Connect to the infinite course of knowing and it will bring you peace.
What This Means
1. Quiet your mind so you can think 2. Take time to hear 3. Have faith in your abilities 4. Stop listening to others 5. Use social media for less than 15 minutes per day
The biggest lesson is to stay true to yourself and your path, no matter what. To learn how to work with Simone as a coach or host a workshop please email info@simonefortier.com